Undertaker was made by Anderson’s dad, Dennis Anderson, a long time back before there was even a Beast Jam contest circuit. Weston’s siblings, Adam and Ryan, and sister, Krysten, have emulated their father’s example and trucks.

Presently it’s Weston’s chance as Beast Jam’s Field Title Series East vrooms into the DCU Center on Feb. 18, 19, and 20 for an activity-stuffed 12,000-pound beast truck scene including pace, ability, and a lot of blasts. The enormous trucks are able to do huge velocities, up to 70 mph, yet they have somewhat little space to work in as the drivers wow the group showing their smoothness and control doing moves, for example, reverse flips and vertical two-wheel abilities.
Adam Anderson drives Undertaker on the Beast Jam Arena Title circuit, while Ryan Anderson has had his own truck made for him, Child Uva Digger, and furthermore drives in the Arena Title visit. Sister Krysten Anderson (who was at the DCU Center in 2019) drives Undertaker in the Field Title Focal series. All the family views it extremely serious way. Adam Anderson is a five-time Beast Jam title holder.
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