Before the graduation ceremony, a Louisiana teacher lends sneaker-wearing students ‘dress’ shoes

After learning that he had worn the wrong shoes to his graduation ceremony and would be unable to participate, a Louisiana high school teacher gave a student the shoes off his feet.

Daverius Peters, an 18-year-old senior at Hahnville High School in Boutte, La., was denied entry to the convention center where the commencement would take place because he was wearing black leather sneakers with a white sole instead of the dark dress shoes that the school had requested for male students.

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“I was in shock,” Peters told The Washington Post, adding that he had complied with the other dress code requirements. “I felt humiliated. I just wanted to walk across the stage and get my diploma.”

Peters began to panic before he encountered John Butler, a paraeducator at the school, because he didn’t know what to do and didn’t have time to hurry to a shoe store before the event. The student informed the teacher of the situation, and the two went to speak with the woman who had denied Peters admittance. Having a mature side to Peter, on the other hand, did not help his cause.

Butler leaned over and took off his shoes, giving them to Peters without hesitation.

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“It was a no-brainer,” the teacher told The Washington Post. “This was the most important moment in his life up to that point, and I wasn’t going to let him miss it for anything.”

Despite Butler’s two-size-too-large shoes, Peters shuffled onto the stage to receive his diploma.

Following Peters explained to his family why he was wearing such big shoes, the two posed for a photo after the ceremony.

Butler said he intends to speak with school authorities about changing the dress code guidelines for future graduation ceremonies.

“Something that small shouldn’t rob a kid from experiencing this major moment,” he told The Washington Post. “It’s something that needs to be thoroughly discussed.”

Jima Smith, the boy’s mother, said she plans to join him.

“If it wasn’t for Mr. Butler’s kind and thoughtful act, my child would have been sitting outside, and I wouldn’t have known,” Smith said. “I pray he will continue to work in the public school system because we need more teachers like him. Our young Black men need good role models and mentors like Mr. Butler.”

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